Academic Writing Process

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Flow Chart/ Process Diagram: » You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry. You are here: Home / Communication / 5 Tips To Improve Your Academic Writing + [Infographic] 5 Tips To Improve Your Academic Writing + [Infographic]. Applying this process ensures that your final product is terse and focused. This may entail mentioning just 8 case-studies instead of the 32. Or pruning the document to a third of its original.

The point of view you present in your written work requires supporting evidence, and is referred to as an academic argument. Features of an academic argument: • a number of legitimate points of view or a disagreement should exist • your viewpoint must be well considered, the evidence thoroughly researched and carefully selected • base your argument on fact, not emotion • argue your point of view step-by-step, logically connecting one point to the next • cite all sources using an approved referencing style.

Writing at university requires you to persuade your readers of your viewpoint, based on the evidence you have found in your research. Academic should: • answer a question or task • present an argument • develop a premise or a set of closely related points, by reasoning and evidence • link arguments together in a logical sequence • use formal language • include relevant examples and supporting evidence from academic texts or credible sources Writing, such as reports, reports or, requires you to: • know your intended audience.

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What Is Academic Writing Process

Is there an assumed level of knowledge? • define your task and clarify the key issues that need to be addressed • understand that the aims of different types of reports will vary For further information about writing academic essays and assignments visit these. Understanding the question is the first step in writing an essay. The meaning of the question may not be immediately obvious. The process of analysing your question helps you pinpoint the actual subject of your assignment.